Roles and Responsibilities for Committee Members
Accountable to: Norfolk & Waveney Constituent GPs
Responsible to: LMC Chief Executive / Secretary to the Committee
Role Purpose: To provide leadership and representation and support for constituent GPs and their practices to secure a future for general practice that is properly funded, adequately resourced, and appropriately regulated within a fair contractual framework.
Members are appointed to the Committee through an election process which requires a candidate to be proposed and supported by General Practitioner colleagues working within the same constituency.
Some LMC members may be appointed by co-option.
Members are elected by constituents and are therefore expected to:
- Have a sound knowledge of general practice contracts.
- Maintain their knowledge of local policies and issues affecting their constituents.
- Be aware of national issues affecting the whole profession and their impact locally.
- Respond promptly to all communications, including emails, whether from the LMC office, constituents, or other organisations.
- Agree to represent the Committee in an area of expertise if reasonably requested to do so.
- Accept key responsibilities in defined areas where they have specialist knowledge, if agreeable.
Committee Meeting Attendance
Members are expected to demonstrate a high commitment to the LMC role by reading all relevant papers in advance of all meetings and through regular meeting attendance and full engagement and participation at each meeting of the LMC. The office will ensure, wherever possible, that papers are emailed to members 1 week before a meeting.
If unable to attend a meeting members are expected to give their apologies to the LMC office in advance of a meeting. Non-attendance, without good reason, at three meetings in any rolling 12-month period may result in the member being asked to stand down.
Conference Attendance
Members are expected to contribute to the formation of conference motions for the annual UK and England GPC conferences of LMCs. Members will be actively encouraged to attend conferences and report back to Committee.
Declarations of Interest
If matters are being discussed in which a member has a direct pecuniary interest, this should be declared, and the member should be prepared to withdraw. Personal issues or those relating to members own practices should not be raised at LMC meetings unless they illustrate a point of principle affecting other GPs. If members express a personal view, rather than LMC policy, this should be made clear in any discussion.
Build effective relationships with local partners including:
Integrated Care Board (ICB)
LMC colleagues
Local provider organisations e.g., federations
All information learned through the LMC must be treated as highly confidential, unless informed otherwise by the Executive.
Constituency Member Representatives and Communication
Members must engage with the local health environment and ensure they are representing the views of local general practice (above personal or own practice issues). LMC members have a responsibility to communicate regularly with their constituents using existing networking arrangements, and to explain LMC decisions and LMC policies to constituents. The LMC office supports members in this role.
Members are expected to use their email account as their primary method of communication with the office and constituents.
Refer issues and constituent enquiries appropriately.
All members have a responsibility to act as a conduit, alongside the Executive, between the LMC and their respective ICB.
To represent the LMC in media activities (if appropriately briefed and trained).
Maintaining the good name of the profession
Members must declare (in confidence) if they are subject to any investigations of fraud, of professional misconduct or are the subject of a complaint by another General Practitioner. Under certain circumstances this may result in a request to stand down or ‘suspension’ until the outcome of the investigation is known.
Members of the LMC are expected to follow established LMC policy and to fairly represent the LMC view to outside organisations.
As representatives of their GP colleagues’ members are required to maintain a professional approach in verbal and written communications.
To abide by the constitution and policies of the LMC including:
- Bullying and Harassment
- Conflicts of Interest
- Data Protection Policy
- Equality Policy
- Gifts, Hospitality and Bribery
- Honoraria Payments
- Raising concerns and whistleblowing
- Social Media
- Confidentiality
Representation at meetings attended on behalf of the LMC
As attendees will be required to represent the views of the LMC at such meetings and be clear on the LMCs policies on any matters under discussion, the view of Committee and Executive should be sought prior to attendance. Attendees should share any forthcoming meeting paperwork with the office as soon as received. Attendees are to report back to the Executive and Committee providing a written report within 7 days of the meeting attendance. The attendee will be expected to respond to any additional queries to come from the meeting on behalf of the LMC.
Payment for Attendance at Meetings
Members will be paid at the agreed sessional rate for attending LMC meetings, plus mileage allowance.
By signing the attendance register at the LMC meeting members are deemed to be making a claim for payment.
Members will be paid for attendance at additional meetings requested by the LMC. This will cover the meeting, as well as an hour of reading time and an hour for producing a report for the Executive and Committee.
Members are responsible for completing an expense form for any other meetings they may attend on behalf of the LMC where payment for such has been agreed. Members must submit any expense claims by the 21st of each month.
Payment is made by Norfolk & Waveney LMC monthly on the last working day of the month.
Revised: February 2023