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Norfolk & Waveney LMC leaflet V8.pdf

Norfolk & Waveney Local Medical Committee (LMC) is the local representative committee of NHS GPs. The LMC is the only elected, representative organisation that represents and provides support and information to General Practitioners (GPs) and their practice teams.  In accordance with paragraph 97 of the 1999 NHS Act (as amended by paragraph 41, Part 4 of Schedule 4 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and any subsequent amendments), NHS England formally recognises the Committee formed for its area as representing the general medical practitioners (GPs) in its area.

We represent over 730 GPs working in over 100 practices across Norfolk & Waveney. We exist to represent, advise and support GPs and General Practice. We have certain statutory duties and must be consulted on certain issues.

For as long as the Committee is recognised by NHS England as being representative of the practitioners in an area our Constitution shall not be rendered invalid by any changes to the structures and boundaries of the NHS.

LMCs interact and work with, and through, the BMA General Practitioners Committee (GPC) as well as other branches of practice committees and local specialist medical committees in various ways, including conferences. The GPC is the only body which represents all GPs in the UK. It deals with all matters affecting NHS GPs, whether or not they are BMA members.

It has over 80 members over 40 of whom are directly elected regional representatives. The remainder are either elected at the Annual Representative Meeting (ARM), appointed from subcommittees or groups, or are ex officio members.

LMCs are funded by a levy which is collected from Practices in the LMC locality, and is based on the number of patients registered at that Practice. The amount is determined by the Committee and reviewed annually. It funds the office and Officers of the LMC, as well as the Committee.

The many functions and duties of the LMC that derive from its statutory recognition insofar as the provision of General Medical Services (GMS) is concerned may be subdivided into two groupings i.e. those concerned with:-

(1) The administration of the GMS contract

(2) The representation of general practitioners as a whole.

However, in addition LMCs perform many other services for their constituents, the pattern of which is established by local ‘custom and practice’. These include the handling of ethical problems and the representation of GPs in relation with bodies and organisations outside the NHS and maintaining the standing of general practice in the media and among the public generally. Many LMCs have established close ties with MPs, local councillors, community health councils, and with other professional groups such as nurses, health visitors and social workers.

Our Committee Co-opts General Practice Specialist Training Scheme (GPSTS) representatives from each of the local schemes and have found this to be extremely beneficial to the Committee.

The LMC has a major role in the provision of primary care and as an independent body with statutory functions it occupies a unique position of influence within the NHS.